Deepen your listening practice. Using reflective listening as a key skill and approach to help you move towards clarity in moments of misunderstanding.


A key element of moving towards clarity is our ability to listen. This video offers a simple technique that you can practice in any situation.


I hope it works for you


When engaging with conflict we have all been shaped by many experiences. In this clip I encourage you to think about people who have impacted you - for good or ill - in your relationship with conflict.



For more information about my work please look at

A fundamental part of helping to shift from conflict to clarity is understanding that there is often something hidden underneath what appear to be very blunt and direct statements.

The thing that is stated is called a Position, what lies underneath is our Interest.

This video starts to explain the difference and how to look out for them.


Do you sometimes need help?


How easily do you ask for help?


Many of us are resistant to asking for help, we have an idea that we are meant to know the answer or that it may show vulnerability to ask for help.


Ask, it's good for you.



More info about my work at


Here is a video version of an older written blog. When we get hurt we protect ourselves but sometimes this protection can lead to an increase of damage rather than a reduction. Can we risk showing our vulnerability?